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Sai Damireddi


In the Associate role, Sai contributes across a wide range of project functions. Among other responsibilities, we rely on Sai to communicate with clients, manage participant outreach campaigns, drive insight through analysis / synthesis, build reports, and help communicate findings to clients. Sai graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, where he studied Economics, Computer Science, and Religious Studies.

Which of Sterling’s values resonates most with you / your experience?

“Sterling values continuous improvement, and it maintains a clear presence across the office. Everyone I have worked with has a constant drive to get better, try new solutions, and improve. Desire for self improvement is a shared trait in the office, and everyone wants to help each other in satisfying that desire. Whenever I have a question, I am met with a thoughtful answer and given an opportunity to learn. I have been able to improve so much due to this environment, and I’m sure this growth will only continue. ”


Waverly, IA

Year joined



  • Singing / songwriting
  • Milwaukee Bucks
  • Brunch

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